
Free Health Checkup Camp:

The integral part of the society is human. One of the basic need of human being is a healthy body. Everybody needs to take care of their health which leads to the development of a healthy society. But many people of our society dies every year from different disease due to lack of consciousness about health and health related problems. To keep the above facts in mind, Tari Social Welfare Society organized a free health checkup camp at Diyasa village on 11th July,2022. In this camp we served almost 150 patient and free required medicine was given to the patient along with checkup. The camp was carried out by Dr. Asim Jana(Medical Officer, Jara PHC) and Dr. Niranjan Kunti(BMOH, Khirpai Rural Hospital).

Rakhi Bandhan Celebration 2022: 

Like last year, Rakhi Bandhan Celebration was celebrated with the local people of Srinagar and Jara on 11th August,2022.