Alone we can do so little, Together We Can do so much.

I can’t change you and you can’t change me, but Together We Can Work to change the World.

Active Projects that need your help


Historically ,the scheduled tribe community is deprived of primary education and suffers from a lower literacy rate in India. Social Welfare Society wants to provide basic education of such children and that is why our project Kisholoy evolved.


A festival is a gathering of people to celebrate something special. But in India, this definition is not true for all. For poor people, Festival is a reminder that you are poor and you can’t afford basic things. Sanand program is an initiative to share the joy of festivals amongst poor children.

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” সমাজের কল্যানে মানুষ নামক ব্যক্তিটির ব্যক্তিত্ব, যে উপায়ে সম্যকরূপে বিকশিত হয় তাহার নামই শিক্ষা “—- বনফুল। অর্থাৎ মনুষ্যত্বের বিকাশে অন্যতম পন্থা…

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Our Mission Statement

  1. Take care/provide of basic education to more than 200 under privileged children in our block by 2025 through “KISHOLOY”.
  2. Make our environment more greener through plantation and distribution of more than 1000 trees by 2025 through “SABUJ BORON”.
  3. Will educate rural women on menstrual hygiene and related health hazards.
  4. Share the joy of various cultural and religious festivals with the backward community of our society .

“Help others to help yourself”

Our Latest Success Story

KISHOLOY :  “Right to Education” is a fundamental rights according to Indian constitution. But the ground reality is different due to poor economic structure of rural India. More than 35 million children have never been to any school. To help a few (35+) children among them, we have started a long term project called, KISHOLOY. Within our capacity we are giving them free teaching on every weekend and taking care of their all educational needs. With the help of others we can lit the light of basic education to more children…..📑